Kenai Wellness

Yoga + Massage Therapy


Please let me know how I can best serve you through yoga, massage therapy and bodywork.


Sunset Salutation

Sunday Sept 8th 4:00


Lymphatic Flow

Wednesday Sept 11 5:30





What is Christ-centered Yoga?

The yoga we practice at Kenai Wellness is Christ-centered or “prayer in motion”. As the scriptures say, “In Him we live and move and have our being.” Our sole purpose is to honor our Savior in word, breath, nutrition, abilities, movement and the gaze of our heart. We do not “empty” our minds rather we seek to become “more of Jesus, less of me” (John 3:30) as a lifestyle. The word Yoga means to unite or yoke. At Kenai Wellness we follow Christ’s direction to be yoked to Him as Matthew 11:29 says, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

We maintain that the yoga asanas -another word for postures and poses- were first recorded approximately 5000 years ago (3000 BC) and predate Hinduism.  There is a common misconception that poses or combinations of postures (asanas) are solely dedicated to small “g” gods. Yoga is a philosophy and not a religion. Do we question taking a martial arts class by asking if we have to become Buddhist to practice this exercise? Or become Brazilian to practice Zumba? Or take therapeutic massage as an example: massage can be used in the wrong spirit or inappropriately. At Kenai Wellness, massage is obedience to the instructions of Jesus: “laying hands on the sick and they recover”. (Mark 16:18) 

Yoga at its root does not belong to any individual, group of individuals or religion but because of its ability to be versatile it can be implemented as a discipline like prayer, fasting and meditation. As Christ followers we teach and choose to engage in all these disciplines with the single minded intention of drawing close to the one true God and Creator of our body, soul and spirit. 

Attending a yoga class at Kenai Wellness you’ll discover that we begin and end every session with prayer in Jesus name. We move to worship music. We meditate on Biblical scripture. The ultimate goal is to draw closer to Jesus and connect with others in our community to motivate one another to love and good works and encouragement.  (Hebrews 10:24-25)

As always, this is your practice. My cues are suggestions. You are invited to move as much or little as you choose. If all you do is sit on your mat allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart, then you have fulfilled the entire purpose of a Christ-centered yoga practice. 


Text to book 907.953.7874

Located at the Northwoods Plaza in Kenai

12498 Kenai Spur Hwy 4A Kenai, Alaska 99611

-Katie Tallent Maxwell, LMT, R-HYI